Our top 10 ways to increase website traffic and improve your conversion rate

It’s one of those questions that we get asked a lot, but in all honesty, it’s not always simple. Having a successful website with high traffic requires hard work and regular updates, whether you do that yourself, or get a marketing agency to do it for you. In this blog, we have outlined our top 10 ways to increase your website traffic and improve your website conversion rate.

Get a blog or news page

We’re not saying you need to update it everyday, and for a lot of businesses you may find it hard to think of things to say, but a blog populated with up-to-date, recent and interesting news can work wonders for your business. Most importantly, it will help with your organic ranking on Google, by writing SEO specific content, you can see results fairly quickly!

Keep it updated

No one likes to go onto a website which has very out of date content, whether that’s an old product launch or your dated Spring menu update. Have you looked at your footer recently? It’s worth checking your T&C’s and privacy policy are up-to-date too.

Make the user experience simple

A visitor is very likely to come straight off your website if it’s clunky, confusing and unattractive. Is the menu easy to navigate and find? Do all your links work correctly? Are there internal links so a user can drive through the site easily? Does your content get to the point quick enough?

Ensure it’s responsive

A study by Zenith shows that in 2018, mobile devices will drive 80% of all global internet usage.* Now, imagine if your website wasn’t mobile responsive… automatically, you’ve probably lost a LOT of customers.

Get backlinks

Getting other credible websites to link to your website can really help increase your website traffic, the bigger the brand or influencer the better; work as a team and give them backlinks too and you’re onto a winning combination.

Utilise social media

Getting referrals from your social media accounts WILL increase your website traffic, and with research showing that e-commerce and retail businesses grab the most ‘likes’, it’s a no brainer. Once you’ve established your suitable platforms, keep your audience engaged with interesting and ‘shareable’ content – you’ll soon be on your way to world domination… well, maybe?!

Improve your page content

Content is king so getting your content reviewed for SEO purposes is definitely a worthwhile task as you could be missing a trick and some quick wins. Are you even aware of what target keywords your website attracts?

Get recognised

If you have a fairly new website it can be hard to get off the ground, this is when paid advertising is a great solution, plus there are so many options; social media advertising, Google and Bing are always a good place to start.

Fix those technical issues

You may not even be aware of it, but by getting technical audit done, you can identify issues which may be impacting the performance of your website. low rated website can actually affect your Google ranking drastically.

Do your research

Have you recently checked out your competitors? Maybe they are stealing all your website traffic and you don’t even know about it! Are they offering something you are not, or maybe they just have a higher Google ranking?

Want us to take a look?

We understand, it can be daunting, and there’s a lot to do, but CW Marketing have a team of experienced specialists which can focus on each separate element that we’ve discussed in this article. Think of us as your ‘one stop shop’ for all things marketing. We have in house copywriters, social media experts, web developers, SEO managers and designers. What more could you want?

Get in touch with our team by emailing us here, or calling us on 01202 888200.
